How To Resolve Ban Permanent Pokemon Go
To resolve ban permanent in the game Pokemon Go using bot app pokecrot.com. congratulation the gamer in the world. in this time i will inform you about how to resolve and repair your banned permanent account pokemon go. Before we explain abaout ban permanent, we must to know about failed to get game data from the server. its means that the account who you played has disable from the server or game master by niantic. So to resolve and repair your account Pokemon Go which it ban by GM (game master) we must have the patner in the compny of Niantic.
The question how to get back fast your account have permanent ban by GM on this 5 ways to get the resolve:
1. check you proxy on pokecrot.com, make sure that your proxy use DNS Google. example or
2. change your connection on android or tablet, on off the data ande klik retry for about 10 times
3. if the task no. 2 doesn't work, you must unistall your Pokemon Go app and dowload again in Playstore or other link worked
4. login your account Pokemon Go with pc / Android app.
5. send feedback to https://support.pokemongo.nianticlabs.com/hc/en-us and https://www.nianticlabs.com/blog/to get back your account fast
taaraaaa.... your account is back and you can played again Pokemon go with happiness. Jangan Lewatkan Biodata Riza Shahab dan Jual Bibit Unggul Cabe Rawit Bara Siap Tanam .
To resolve ban permanent in the game Pokemon Go using bot app pokecrot.com. congratulation the gamer in the world. in this time i will inform you about how to resolve and repair your banned permanent account pokemon go. Before we explain abaout ban permanent, we must to know about failed to get game data from the server. its means that the account who you played has disable from the server or game master by niantic. So to resolve and repair your account Pokemon Go which it ban by GM (game master) we must have the patner in the compny of Niantic.
The question how to get back fast your account have permanent ban by GM on this 5 ways to get the resolve:
1. check you proxy on pokecrot.com, make sure that your proxy use DNS Google. example or
2. change your connection on android or tablet, on off the data ande klik retry for about 10 times
3. if the task no. 2 doesn't work, you must unistall your Pokemon Go app and dowload again in Playstore or other link worked
4. login your account Pokemon Go with pc / Android app.
5. send feedback to https://support.pokemongo.nianticlabs.com/hc/en-us and https://www.nianticlabs.com/blog/to get back your account fast
taaraaaa.... your account is back and you can played again Pokemon go with happiness. Jangan Lewatkan Biodata Riza Shahab dan Jual Bibit Unggul Cabe Rawit Bara Siap Tanam .